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Studying abroad

International exchange programs


You are a student in Chemistry, Biochemistry and Biophysics or Sustainable Materials and want to go abroad for 1-2 semesters of study or for an internship? Then please have a look at the exchange programs explained in the following:

EUCOR – The European Campus

Erasmus+ - Studying abroad in and around the EU

Erasmus+ Placement – Internships in and around the EU

Exchange Possibilities Beyond Europe



International Exchanges and Erasmus+ Coordination Chemistry

Prof. Dr. Philipp Kurz
Julie Willrett

Office no. 138
Institut für Anorganische und Analytische Chemie
Albertstraße 21
79104 Freiburg


Helpful Links

Student Service Center – General Erasmus information

International Office

Course Catalog  

SWFR accident and liability insurance


Click here for the presentation of the information event


EUCOR – The European Campus


1)     About EUCOR

Do you want to give your studies an international dimension right from the start without moving too far? You are in the right place!

Students of all fields of the university of Freiburg can gain intercultural and international experience in a Eucor course of study.

You can design your own individual Eucor Student "Mobility à la carte" with the Eucor Student Mobility program, enroll in one of the programs with integrated mobility, or complete a joint degree – free of charge.

You gain access to four other universities in Germany, France, and Switzerland. Eucor is a network linking five universities from the tri-national Upper Rhine metropolitan region, comprising


The teaching periods in Switzerland, and France differ from those in Freiburg!


fall semester: ~mid-September-late December, spring semester~ mid-February-late May.


"1° semestre": ~early September-late December, "2° semestre":~ late January-mid-May


2)     Benefits from EUCOR

Student Mobility Program: Earn ECTS credits from courses at the partner universities and use them for your degree at the University of Freiburg.

Mobility support: The University of Freiburg offers you a travel allowance to support your mobility between the Eucor member universities. For example, the travel costs for one “Eucor day” per week at another Eucor university are refunded for a whole semester.


3)     Registration and further information

Registration process and further details

Please make sure to inform the international exchange coordinator/ study coordination about your plans to make sure that the transfer of credit points is possible.

The deadlines for travel refunds are 31.10. (winter semester) and 30.04. (summer semester).

Erasmus+ - Studying abroad in and around the EU


1)     About Erasmus+

Do you want to immerse yourself in a foreign (university)culture and experience the everyday life of a student in another European country? Then you are a candidate for Erasmus+-study!


Study for 3 - 12 months at another European university. The students do not have to pay any tuition fees at the host university. Credits earned abroad (~30 per semester) can be accepted and transferred. In order to cover the additional cost of studying abroad, Erasmus students receive a scholarship and additional, but limited, financial aid towards the cost of a language course in the host county. The host university also helps the students find accommodation and offers social and study-related support.


Further information and guidelines: Erasmus Charter (German)


The exchange is only possible on the basis of exchange agreements. The department of chemistry currently has such agreements with the following institutions:

  • Paris – Université Pierre et Marie Curie (France), semester dates: Sep-Dec & Jan-May
  • Bordeaux – Université de Bordeaux (France), semester dates: Sep-Dec & Jan-May
  • Bologna – Universita degli Studi di Bologna (Italy), semester dates: Sep-Dec & Feb-May
  • Stockholm – Stockholms Universitet (Sweden), semester dates: Aug/Sep-Dec & Jan-Jun
  • Ankara – Hacettepe Üniversitesi (Turkey), semester dates: Oct-Jan & Feb-May
  • Tromsø – Norges arktiske universitet (Norway), semester dates: Aug-Dec & Jan-Jun


2)     Application for Erasmus+

Contact the Erasmus coordination chemistry ( with a preliminary plan for your stay abroad. Please note that the teaching periods in the different countries differ from Germany (see list above) and the nomination for one of the places within the Erasmus+ Study program by the Erasmus coordination should usually happen about half a year before the start of the exchange.


3)     Further Information

The student service center provides further information as well as reports by former Erasmus+ exchange students.

Erasmus+ Placement – Internships in and around the EU

Do you want to explore European research culture and carry out research internships abroad? Then Erasmus+ Placement might be the program for you!


1)     About Erasmus+ Placement

All University of Freiburg students can apply for an ERASMUS+ internship. Especially lab internship of M.Sc. students during the last phase of their MSc courses are very common.

2-6 months of internship in academia, companies or public institutions can be supported by scholarships of several hundred euros per month. Students should find a suitable place for an internship by themselves in advance (probably assisted e.g. by the supervisors of their BSc theses) and they also have to handle all formalities for themselves. Please also respect the faculty`s guidelines for internships. The student service center provides further information concerning Erasmus+ Placement.

Special program: It is also possible to carry out research internships as a recent graduate for the time up to 12 months after graduating as a M.Sc.!

You can study at universities, research institutes, companies etc. in all EU countries plus Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Turkey (unlike Erasmus+ Study, no general exchange agreement with the instituion is needed).


2)     Application for Erasmus+ Placement

Things to organize ~6 months prior to the internship:

  • a host abroad and a clearly defined project (title and work plan)
  • a supervising professor at ALU (also responsible for grading your intership)
  • fixed exchange dates fitting to the recognized credit points (~5 ECTS / month).


~3 months prior to the internship: contact for consultation and afterwards register at the central KOOR office in Karlsruhe.


3) Further Information

For questions concerning the Erasmus+ Placement program please contact All paperwork for Erasmus+ Placements is handled by the central KOOR office in Karlsruhe.



Please make sure to have a health and transfer insurance as well as accident and liability insurances during your stay abroad.

The accident and liability insurance can be provided by the SWFR: SWFR accident and liability insurance.

An enhanced health, accident and liability insurance can be taken out via the DAAD. Especially recent graduate students are not covered by the SWFR and should therefore consider the DAAD insurance.

Exchange Possibilities Beyond Europe

Europe is not far away enough for you? Here are some possibilities how to finance your studies or research internships on other continents!




The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) facilitates self-organized short stays abroad. Research internships and theses outside of Europe can be supported by the DAAD-Promos scholarship. There are three application periods per year, usually until ~mid of November, ~mid of January and ~mid of June.

For further information, visit www.uni-freiburg/go/promos or contact





3-9 months of study or internship at partner universities of ALU can be funded by the Baden-Württemberg Stiftung. Very good grades, extraordinary extracurricular engagement and excellent language skills are obligatory. Application deadlines for the winter semester are ~mid of February and for the summer semester ~mid of November.

For further information, visit



University of Freiburg Global Exchange


Study exchanges to partner universities in USA, Canada, Asia and South Africa can be organized via the Freiburg Global Exchange. Be sure to plan your stay at least 1 year ahead and regularly check the calls for application.

Further information:





The International Association for the Exchange of Students for Technical Experience (IAESTE) offers an international exchange program for paid internships for science and engineering students. 87 countries worldwide participate. Application takes place ~Oct-Dec in the year prior to the internship. Short-term applications on open internships are possible, too.

Further information and application:



RISE Worldwide


RISE stands for Research Internships in Science and Engineering and offers summer research internships for undergraduate students (= B.Sc. students) with academic training in natural and computer sciences or engineering, funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (DAAD). Deadlines for application are usually ~mid of December in the year prior to the stay.

Further information and application



DAAD Online data base


None of the so far presented possibilities fits what you are looking for? Special programs for exchanges outside of EU can be found in the stipend database of the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research. Organization requires at least 6 months in advance.

DAAD Online data base



International Office


Information, consultation and administration concerning all exchanges outside of the EU are conducted by the international office (IO). The general information event “Going abroad” offered by the IO takes place regularly.

Christine Kutnar
Student Service Center
Sedanstr. 6